And for something cute and funny

We live in an area with a beautiful view, and lots of birds and squirrels.  We feed the birds and the squirrels and Tom went and bought two wrist rockets (sling shots) that we use to sling peanuts out to the bush near enough to us to view the squirrels but not near enough for us to just throw peanuts from the balcony.  (No animals or birds are harmed in this process)

Seems a few blue jays like peanuts and as fast as we shoot them out on the lawn the blue jays appear and pick them up and fly off with them.  It is fast becoming a running war with Tom and the blue jays.  He will shoot one peanut and immediately take up another and wait for a blue jay to make a run at the one he shot, he will then shoot the one he has in the slingshot near to the blue jay or over the blue jay's head to either make it drop the peanut it has or at least squawk at him as it flies away.

As we sit on the balcony and drink coffee and read the newspaper together it is always sure to bring a smile to my face when I see the first blue jay appear and I will now run to get a wrist rocket and the peanuts and egg Tom on (grins)

Just a little upbeat something for a smile :)

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