Thank you so very much. I went Monday to get an epidural shot for my back pain (I get them about every five months or so I guess) They usually don't hurt but this time it felt like the pain management Dr. put an ice pick in my back, broke it off and left it in there, that was Monday night, yesterday a bit better, today a bit better still but a little "achy" which will go away and then no more spasms in my back so YEAH!
My Surgeon called me Monday evening and we went over everything I was worried about over the phone. She said she still cannot tell me for sure but she is going to try the hernia repair laparoscopically, she wanted me to make sure I knew that she might get in there and find she has to open me up and I told her I understand. Regarding my throwing up after general anaesthetic she said she works with a great team of anesthesiologists and they have some killer anti nausea stuff, way better and more advanced than the ones I had back in 2008, so we are going to wait and see about the tube down the throat for vomiting until it becomes an issue. She can give me both the epidural and the pain drains so we are going with both (YEAH again) to keep my pain as under control as possible, she does not think drainage tubes will be an issue but before I go home myself and Tom will be thoroughly "trained" on how to deal with them as with the pain tubes. So September 10th is the day and she thinks a one night stay should do the trick although as will all things medical she put the disclaimer "unless there are complications" (grins) I like her.
I am feeling like I have never had chemotherapy. I have no fatigue, okay maybe a little here and there but it could be the hernia (I am telling everyone I am having my alien baby on September 10th, then have to explain it to them he he he), no diarrhea, no nausea, no chills, fevers, no throwing up, no general aches and pains, no eyes hurting when I cry because the chemo comes out in my tears, no neuropathy at all. Except for my back (which the ache should end tomorrow) and the hernia (which for the past three days has stayed pain free) and the ankle (darn arthritis set in) I feel pretty good.
While I was checking in for my epidural for my back pain, Tom went down to my Oncologist's office to get a refill of my beta blocker and find out my CEA. He ran into Kristin, (my Oncologist's PA) and they talked for a bit. She told him the clinical trial my Oncologist would like me to take part in is not the same one that was closed by the FDA but from the same company and actually closer to me. She recommends it and I value her advice so when I heal from the hernia surgery I will contact my Oncologist, He wants to get PET scan and other things at that time (end of September/beginning of October) and then I guess we see if I am eligible for the clinical trial and if feasible I start it. (Oh no CEA level available yet, Kristin is worried they did not do it or lost it so she is going to raise hedoublehockeysticks to see if she can find it and call me with it.)
So things are good with me and Tom, it has finally become hot here in Northern San Diego county so I am inside most of the time with the A/C on as I cannot take the heat. I still don't leave the house often but that is no longer because of the chemotherapy, it's mostly the heat, the hernia and I just don't feel like going anywhere unless I have to.
So that's my update and I am leaning on God as He has seen me through much in my life and will see me through this, when the time comes He will be there with open arms saying "Welcome Home" and all my fear will be gone, because I think the end is two fold hard on us. 1. Leaving loved ones and friends behind and 2. Having to go forward alone with faith but with some fear because we walk that path at the end alone except for God who awaits us.
So anyways I am getting way beyond myself, I am not going to beat this but I sure am going to live and love my life until God says "It is time" and I have the best man I could have ever prayed for by my side, Tom.
And the bestest group of people to help in anyway needed here, you all. Thank you.
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