Just some thoughts about CEA level and upcoming surgery

Thank you for your responses and well you know me, the least bit of things happening and I go off half cocked and into panic attack land but I don't think I was too bad this time was I? (grins) So I figure by now if the CEA level is rising at the same rate I should be somewhere in the 400's but Tuesday I go in for my "pre-operation" tests, including a blood draw and think I will ask them if they will run a CEA level just to see as my Oncologist won't be in the picture until I heal enoough from the operation to start getting around and up and down the stairs and able to head to see him or his P.A. From what I have read on the internet, I am pretty much looking at the end of September beginning of October which will be when my Oncologist will also order a PET scan. So anyone want to bet on what my CEA level will be then? I am taking (doing calculations in my head) 800 as my number LOL.

I am getting a bit scared about surgery as now we are under the week mark. For someone who is not a surgery fan and would never do cosmetic surgery purely because of the throwing up after coming out of GA part and the pain part I seem to have had a lot of surgeries in my life.

1968 - Tonsils out
1978 - Tubal Ligation
1993 - Urethra Stretched (Don't know the technical term)
1996 - Gall bladder removal
2005 - Bladder Lift
2008 - Total Hysterectomy
2008 - Colectomy
2008 - Repair of shattered left ankle
2010 - (Upcoming) Hernia Repair

So anyways we went to the store yesterday, bought regular groceries as well as broth, soups, canned fruits, applesauce, oatmeal, Pre-made jello, and assorted juices and teas and such for me after the surgery. Today we go to buy Tom's present to himself, His 46" LCD? TV with blue ray player. He already bought the stand and got another HDVR from the cable company and all this is in the living room across from the daybed I bought (all beautiful cherrywood although different shades (I had no idea that cherry wood came in different shades?!?!!?) He's wanted this TV for a long time and more recently because he does work sometimes until 11pm then comes home and of course needs downtime to relax before he goes to sleep. I usually make it though watching Bill O'Reilly with him then am out cold until he has the TV on something (Like last night the football game he had recorded) and I get jolted out of sleep then am crabby and Pee'd off untl I can go back to sleep.

And I have several times when my hernia was hurting just grabbed a pillow and gone to sleep in the living room on the day bed as when I am hurting all I want is for the pain pill to work and knock me out so I don't feel the pain.

So this way, when I come home from the hospital if he wants to watch TV he can without waking me up (Bless his considerate heart that is a boy in a man's body excited about a new "toy" I am surprised he's not awake yet and saying "What time does the store open?" (It's 8:46am here)

Anyways I again thank you all for your words and will keep you updated or Tom will for a few days I guess after my surgery. I keep you all in my prayers and heart and (((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))) each of you.

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